Selected Media.

Congratulations to Shawn Soole (Soole Hospitality Concepts) for his new book on Canadian cocktail culture, “Great Northern Cocktails”🍹AND many thanks for including The Old Firehouse 😊 in this incredible company of amazing bartenders from across Ca…

Congratulations to Shawn Soole (Soole Hospitality Concepts) for his new book on Canadian cocktail culture, “Great Northern Cocktails”🍹

AND many thanks for including The Old Firehouse 😊 in this incredible company of amazing bartenders from across Canada!

Book can soon be purchased at local bookstores, or online!

December 5, 2012

December 5, 2012

September 2016

September 2016

October 2016

October 2016

September 2014 - Go! Island SHAW TV

"An upscale restaurant has come to Cowichan Valley and James Green went to check it out."